(Tami and Ana sitting near the grapes on our Napa vacation.)
Ana has been on the outside for 200 days. Tomorrow, at her birth minute, she will have completed 200 days worth of hours. As of today, she has been on the outside for 200 days of the calendar. Here is a pretty cool website
http://nerdiversary.com/ if you want to check out some of the temporal milestones of your life. I'll be 555 squared hours old on Friday, Enzo 99 weeks old tomorrow, and Tami will be 4321 squared minutes old in early January. There are a lot of opportunities to celebrate.
A little more common to celebrate would be a 6 month birthday and we did that for Ana two weeks ago. We had an impromptu celebration with all of her grandparents, Aunti Tia and two of her cousins. Part of the celebration was that Ana tried her first solid food; butternut squash. To be true, it didn't go down very well. Ana coughed it up for the most part but she kept trying and bringing the spoon to her mouth. Eventually we decided to wait a few days and try again.
(The very first taste of solid food.)
The wait of a few days was worth it. Ana is much better at eating and since has enjoyed avocado and green peas. She is pretty good at bringing the spoon of food to her mouth and very good at applying just enough of the food to all of her face to perfect that adorable dinner time look I love.
(Seconds before the face painting in organic mushed green peas begins.)
She is growing beautifully and healthfully. Over the last couple of weeks Ana has become adept at rising to her feet and standing vertically along a table, a couch, her Mama, or my leg. She smiles, she laughs, she is gorgeous. Her skin is an immeasurable softness. Her little laughs and open smiles send happiness through the air.
(At Aunti Tia's house for the annual Dia de los Muertos brunch.)
(This year's sugar skulls. The one on the left I made with my Nina in my thoughts.)
Last year Tami and I made sugar skulls for Dia de los Muertos for the first time at an event about the day. This year Tami made a batch of skulls herself and prepared the decorations at her sister Traci's house for us all to decorate. The two above have found a place on our new family shrine that we created on a shelf in our living room.
(Ana as our pumpkin for Halloween.)
This year, Enzo went trick-or-treating for the first time with us and Cousin Vincent. We went to a few houses near by and then returned home so that Enzo could hand out pencils and erasers. Yes, we are that house.
(Enzo the caballo trick-or-treating with Ana resting on Mama's back.)
At the first house, Enzo was not very into the event. By the third house, he had it figured out.
(Enzo and Grand Papi carving pumpkins.)
I must say that it has been a fantastic October and November. Pumpkins, trick-or-treating, my Ducati out and about again, time with family, playing with my kids, and a motorcycle show. Thanksgiving is just three days away and that means 4 days off to enjoy family, friends and motorcycles.
(A ride to Alice's Restaurant with Don for breakfast.. and the first ever photo of me with the Ducati.)
(I love this picture taken after breakfast.)
This last Sunday, we all went to breakfast where we met Don, Nicole, Shea, Greg, Nathan, Laurie, and Charlotte. Afterwards, Tami and Ana went to do their own thing as did Nicole and Shea. The rest of us headed up to San Mateo for the annual International Motorcycle Show. Here is a picture that I particularly adore.
(Enzo on a Yamaha.)
The Kid adds words to his vocabulary seemingly every day. It's clear he is hungry for more words to express his thoughts. One of the greatest parts of my life is the ongoing and growing relationship that I have with this kid. I think gratefully of the time we play, read books, hug. I know that he is just developing himself as a personality and I appreciate so much that I get to bond with each layer of his personality as it develops. I get to be here.