Guest Post by Tami:
There has been a lot going on recently in the lives of our children that hasn't made it to the blog and I feel compelled to write this post to share them.
Ana went to her first A's game. Yes, they lost (as they have been doing a lot of that lately, but hopefully with Geren gone, maybe they'll find themselves on a winning streak), but it was still an exciting day in baseball. Ana slept through most of the game, similar to how Enzo did for most of last season.
She didn't seem to mind the crowd or the cheers. Enzo really enjoys the games now. He likes to stand in between the seats and walk back and forth between us. He knows to put his water bottle in the cup holder and to clap and cheer when everyone else does.
Ana also had her first stage debut as a part of the City of Newark's Annual Dance Revue.
She went out on stage with me when I was introduced as an assistant and at the end of the shows for the finale. Enzo and Ana also accompanied my sister, mother, father, and myself in the family parade at the end of the first half. Ana is still a bit young to know how she'll do in the spotlight, but Enzo loved being on stage and backstage. He loved watching the dancing and was often dancing and clapping along to the music. He liked one hula dance in particular because of the hula skirts that he found quite fascinating.
You can see me talk about the annual review here. I was asked last minute to say something. I didn't really know what I was saying. You can't really tell that Ana is in her wrap right below my face.
Enzo has also recently discovered the joys of climbing... on everything! He climbs on the kitchen chairs so that he can sit, or rather stand, at the big table, instead of his high chair. He also pushes the chair around the kitchen first to find the perfect place to stand on the chair in order to reach things on the counter. He climbs up on the couch and its arms in order to reach things behind it. Last night he climbed to stand on the arm rest of his little rocking chair to look out the window of his room. He then looked back at me as he lifted one leg in an attempt to climb on top of his dresser. He also likes to climb on to his motorcycle, sit, rock, stand and rock, and slide off. He's quite the stunt master at almost 18 months.
He has also made friends with two little girls on the block that like to shout out "Hi Enzo" whenever they see us. He always stops, turns, smiles, and walks in their direction. We have recently noticed him taking a couple of skips in the fast walking... running is right around the corner. Exciting, but oh sh**!