In 2009 I rode cross country on a motorcycle. It was a great trip. A trip I had wanted to make for years. That trip was one of the two reasons I started this blog, the other being so that my family could keep up with Enzo. These days the blog has a slightly different value to me including; so family can keep up with Enzo and Ana, as my own therapy, to be open about my life in case it is of value to another, to solidify my own memories for my own reflection, and to record significant events for my children to read some day.
On the trip I took lots of pictures and notes. In fact, I wrote down my location, mileage, time, gallons of gas purchased, dollars spent, etc. every time I stopped the bike. I had plans to use the data and pictures to put several digital "things" together about the trip. But right after the trip I started having panic attacks and learning to deal with them, and then we had our beautiful Enzo, and then we had our beautiful Ana, and so none of those plans were acted on. Lately, I have not had the opportunity to ride much and in missing motorcycling, I have started going through all of the notes and photos and putting together some of those plans. Here is the first product. I took a photo of the sky each day approximately when the ride started and when it ended. Then, I made this video with the photos.