My lovely Ana is one year old! Here is a picture taken of her at the one year anniversary, to the minute, of her birth. The camera's clock is a little off but we went by our atomic clock. We had a great day, a great birthday celebration, and a great weekend. I took over 800 pictures this weekend. That's a lot even for me. I'll post them soon- tonight I am just basking in the pleasure of my family, all happily asleep, after a long and happy birthday.
On this photo, besides my beautiful Ana Uku, you can see in the background the actual-size-painting of Tami's belly with Ana in there just days before the big day. She has grown a lot since that painting.
Also, besides so many excellent details of the weekend, my daughter and I hung out a little more after this 1 year old photo was taken. I carried her around for a while and she started playing with my left ear. And then, she kissed it! Maybe she licked it, it's hard to say. But it made me laugh unexpectedly and that made her laugh and that made her do it again and a happy laughing slobbery giggly cycle began and repeated several glorious times.
I love you Ana. Your Mami and I are so grateful for your existence. Our lives are richer and more beautiful with you. Enzo's is too. Thank you for being part of our experience. Happy birthday.