A nice ride on my Norton with my new Gold Metal Flake helmet.
Ana in Southern California with Mami, Enzo, and Aunti Tia.
Family in Southern California with Aunti Tia on a ferry.
Enzo jumping from a monument in Southern California.
Enzo and Hun.
Enzo and Tata.
Enzo and Tia K.
Enzo and Ana walking and looking at the train in Los Gatos.
Ana looking adorable in two hats.
Cutest beach bum looking kids on the streets of Capitola.
4th of July parade in Fremont.
Enjoying the hammock.
Mysterious Ana.
We finally went to the Gilroy Gardens. We liked it a lot and look forward to going back. This is Ana's first ride other than riding horses on carousels.
Enzo on the train, carrying his train whistle and a pluma from a pajaro (feather from a bird) that Papi found for him. He always looks so straight faced on this train even though he gets excited before we go and after we go to ride the train. Funny kiddo. I guess he is just taking it all in. He regularly asks to go back to the train so I know we will be back before long.
Riding the steam train (it only runs weekends; weekdays the diesel engines run so this was a fun special treat... to me, but I say it was for Enzo). We had a picnic first with Nathan, Laurie and the kids. We watched them play, and then we went for a ride before going our separate ways to ferry our kiddos to nap time. A fun day.
Enzo participating in his first wave of his own accord at the Oakland Coliseum.
Enzo running the bases with his Aunti Tia at the Oakland Coliseum. He has been mentioning this ever since. This was a big deal for him.