This Sunday, Tata, Hun, Melanie and Santiago all came over for breakfast. Then, we made tamales from left over turkey and talked and hung out all day. I don't know if you can exactly call it left overs though, when Tami purposely made two turkeys so she would have plenty to make tamales with. Whatever the classification, eating the turkey at each stage in it's transformation to tamales was tasty and fun. Once all the chili sauce was made and the turkey mixed in, we were all pretty glad to find leftover tortilla chips from Thanksgiving #2. That "dip" became a meal in itself. The company was good as it's always good to see Tata and Hun and it was a special treat to catch up with friends we haven't seen in a long while. The finished tamales, also, were and are superb! Before the kids went to bed, Cousin and Aunti Jojo came over to sample the deliciousness as well. I think everyone was pretty satisfied. In fact, I think I am not the only one who has commented that this Thanksgiving's various meals and courses rank at the top of our recent memories. Also, it has been four days of great family and friend together time. There were so many people to visit with and play with including 16 people and 18 people at the two Thanksgivings. Thanksgiving #1 even had the newly weds and cousins that, besides the recent wedding, I had not visited with in a long while. There is a lot to be thankful for this year. Family, friends, and health being the most important and plentiful gifts in our lives. Happy Thanksgiving Season!
A couple more pics:
(Mom and Dad at the Parade.)
(Mom and Ana looking at Enzo through the bug.)
(Eating Thanksgiving #2.)
(Final touches for Thanksgiving #2.)