I do love October.
I went as a chaperone for the first time on a field trip with Enzo. He and his class got a tour of a Pizza My Heart. They got to see how they make pizza and then make their own.
After, the kids all went across the street and walked around SJSU. It didn't take long before a walk turned into a run in the grass. These kids turn pizza into energy very quickly. Look how much fun he is having running around.
Ana had a lot of fun decorating my face with stickers one night. I couldn't see at the time but I tried to get a few pictures. I laughed later looking at them and seeing her expressions as though she was really focusing and thinking about each sticker and how it should be placed. She is so funny.
What do you do when you have one week night available to do anything? Go to Santa Cruz, get a hotel near the beach, and enjoy a mini vacation. And, if it's your birthday month? Buy yourself three Tonka toys on the way as a birthday present to yourself so that you can watch your kids play in the sand. I'm brilliant at times because this mini vacation was exactly what I needed. We played on the beach at night, walked to dinner and breakfast, and played again on the beach in the day.
Ok- I love the stomp rocket. Enzo figured out how to get the rockets to launch really high on this trip. He got his technique down. Look how much fun he is having! I think he likes it even more than I.
Ana and I walked in the water for a while, too. What an excellent day.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that Monte went with us on this trip. I
think he had a good time. Especially when Enzo played
throw-the-tennis-ball-in-the-hotel-room Friday morning, over and over for so long, as the rest of us tried to be lazy for a while. I think Monte liked that a lot.