How does a 1/2 year old follow up his big 1/2 birthday? This one did it by eating solid food for the first time. It was a mesmerizing experience, even more so then I would have expected. I was enthralled, entertained, and fascinated by the event. This morning Enzo ate mashed up avocado. Then he did it again when I got home. Tami looked up a list of appropriate foods to start babies on and avocado was on the list. The list and rules of starting babies on solids is actually a bit more complicated than I imagined. In essence, it boils down to picking one of the acceptable foods, a food that has a very low probability of causing an allergic reaction, and feeding that to a child for four to six days, a couple of times each day. Then, if all goes well, a new food is added to the meal rotation for four to six days, and so on. Tami also suggested that we let Enzo learn to feed himself so we did the second meal and while it explains some of the avocado on The Kid's face, I was surprised at how well he controlled the spoon. Reflecting, it makes sense as he has two uses for his hands and arms that he practices most often; pushing his body and bringing items to his mouth. It really was SO fun to help him and watch him eat the avocado. Hours after both events and subsequent thorough cleanings, we continue to find avocado smudges on him. Here is some video.
The First Meal.
The Second Meal.