Well, that's not all of the news. Tami called me yesterday at work to tell me that she saw his first tooth popping out! As they were at the A's game when I got home, and Enzo was asleep when he got home, I had to wait until this morning to see the tooth for myself when Tami got him laughing. A small white tooth has broken through on the bottom, just to his right of center. It's exciting. In a short period of time Enzo has added solids, a spoon, a cup, a tooth, and a whole different type of solid-food-eating baby poop. So far he is eating organic plums from his Grandma Phyllis' house and organic avocados from Whole Foods. Eating is an interesting production, thankfully. Viewed any other way than as a bonding and entertaining time the event would look like quite a chore. There is no 'fast food' experience in such a simple meal for this new-to-the-world-of-solid-foods eater. When people were giving us used items for our son I thought, "We'll never use all of these bibs but I guess we'll have options." Oh, we will use all of those bibs. It's one bib per meal and that bib is saturated in food and drink when The Kid is done with it. It's more interesting to watch and help him eat then watching anything on TV.
I'll throw in a couple of photos from the 4th of July weekend below. For those interested, I add photos to the picture links on this blog often even if I don't post a blog. Right now those links are at the top right of this post and you'll find that clicking on the 'Life Pics,' for example, will lead you to a '2010' year link with over 200 pictures in mostly chronological order from just this year.
(4th of July Parade in Fremont.)
(Playing in the light of a sky light.)
(Happy Birthday Nicole!)
(Stop in Santa Cruz for breakfast during a motorcycle ride.)
(BBQ at the Gomez's new house.)
(Enzo enjoying the Gomez's BBQ.)
(Me doing the same.)