This is what she looked like after a few seconds and realizing that she had consumed a bit much.
Then there was the wiping of the tongue with a napkin.
Then the long sips of water.
Apparently all better, when her food arrived it was time for more salsa.
I told Tami this one is definitely pulling some of her food preferences from my family line, especially my grandpa whom I called Tata. He couldn't eat food, as my childhood memories seem to tell, without healthy helpings of salsa.
In decoration news:
Here are a couple of photos of the lights at our house. When it's not raining I pull the bug out and plug the lights on the bug, a portion of those left on since the parade, right into the lights on the house. The tree and the house lights are all on timer and it’s nice to see them every morning and evening as I set inside and outside lights to be on during the time range when we are up getting ready and leaving as we'll as when we are coming home and into the later hours.