Today had lots of fun parts. It included legos, baby dolls, hot wheels, Papi cooking breakfast and lunch, Charlie Brown Christmas, trains, a good nap, and a long stretch of time where legos and trains came together. But the one part of today that had been anticipated for weeks, was the train ride. Today was our day to meet in Niles for a ride through Niles Canyon, to Sunol and back, on a train covered in lights as the sun set. Just in the nick of time, and far after we had planned, Ana and Enzo and Tami and I arrived to meet with Tata, Hun, Aunti Tia and Fran. The good thing about just barely arriving in time is the super short line. To sum up the ride simply, this was an excellent train ride through the canyon. The main person we have been trying to impress with all of these train events lately is Enzo and I would say we have been successful. His 3 year old birthday party, train themed, is this Sunday and he is very in to trains right now. I think everyone was impressed with the ride, though. And, there were a few bridges over river and road so that was extra fun for me.

(Leaving Niles.)
(Bundled up as we get going.)
(Heading towards the Canyon.)
(Watching the cows go by.)
(You can almost taste the nature in the canyon.)
(Warming up inside one of the closed cars, but we will get outside and cold again soon.)
(Happy under the darkening sky again.)
(Tata and Enzo looking out into the canyon.)
(Ana watching the world.)
(Enzo and Fran leaning out to see the lights.)