Well, though I do work year round in my particular position, the work life of a school employee is significantly different once the students' summer begins. One week into summer now and I am reminded of just how different it is. Number one? I haven't worn socks. Yeah, it's the good life. Soon, I will enjoy another part of life. Wearing socks to ride motorcycles. But it has been so nice wearing shorts and no socks, working bare feet in my office, and feeling "natural" in my clothes, that I have happily driven a car every day this summer so far. By the way, "natural" in this case means feeling almost naked while wearing clothes. For me that usually means a plain white t-shirt, comfy shorts, and bear feet.
This post is primarily a photo update for those interested in the ongoing gorgeousness of my children. But I will mention one thing I have been noticing, a recent development. Ana has begun referring to her brother as Enzo. Yeah! Weird. She still refers to him as Daddy sometimes and other times as Enzo. I have even had a conversation with her about her brother when he wasn't around and she went back and forth between Daddy and Enzo using each about four times. It's so interesting to me. Tami said she has been noticing this too and Tami also notices that Ana always reverts to Daddy when she is frustrated with her brother. Funny.
We went to the A's game yesterday. Yeah, I went too. Mostly because I have been working so much this last week wrapping up my work at the middle school as I prepare to train someone else and then move to the high school on July first. So, in working so much I have been feeling like I haven't seen my kiddos as much as I like to so I went to the game with them on Saturday. The A's didn't do so well this time but the kids had a good time. Especially playing in the A's Fun Zone.
Look at this gorgeous happy girl ready to play in the sprinkler! She is eating grapes in this next photo. The kids love fruit, especially grapes, strawberries, blue berries, apples, oranges, nectarines, peaches, and melons. Not blackberries or pairs for some reason.

As mentioned in a previous post, we went camping with Nicole and Shea last weekend. The kids think that camping means Nicole and Shea are there. Camping without them requires us to explain that we can in fact camp without Nicole and Shea. But it is just a lot easier when they camp with us so we don't have to explain this again and again. And, it's fun to have their company.