First, Tami had to work a bit on Monday morning which was great because I needed to run a couple of errands while hanging with the kids.

What's up.. yeah, wearing two, yes two, A's hats at the same time. Yeah, I'm a fan.
After our first couple of errands which consisted of picking up a delivery for the VW bug from the post office and purchasing a couple of toys for the trip, me and the kids went out for lunch. This, by the way, was our first trip ever to a toy store. Actually it was a hobby store. I thought, how interesting that the kids are 3 and 2 and we have never been to a toy or hobby store. All of our toys have been gifts or purchased used either through businesses like Salvation Army or from people found selling something specific on the internet. Well, Ana slept through the whole thing but I did get to do something exciting for the first time. Enzo was awake and excited about the shelf of toy cars. And I got to say, "pick one, any one one you like." How cool! It's not that I want to do that every day but it was super fun to be able to do and oddly interesting that I know when it was the first time I said it to one of my own children.
Enzo and his new toy car.
Enzo likes building pillow-buildings. He refers to them as hiding places. On this particular day he decided that getting all of the pillows from two couches collected on to one sofa, a usual habit, was not enough and so he went to the bedrooms as well and brought in the bed pillows. I thought it was funny that he was wearing a Bob the Builder hat while building with pillows so I took this picture.
We took a break in Atascadero to eat and play in the park. This looks like a movie poster to me. These kids are as happy as can be at a park.
Then we stopped in Santa Barbara to play at the beach. Give the kids a playground and they can spend the whole day in one place.
And we enjoyed one of our new toys purchased at the hobby store earlier that day. Our own stomp rocket! So much fun!!!
At one point Enzo decided to load up the rocket with sand. I started to tell him no, that it would not work. Thank goodness I caught myself before any more than "Ahhh, Enzo wait...." escaped my mouth. I though quickly, he is either playing or experimenting and I don't need to interrupt his discovery. "Nothing.." I recovered, And then I overheard him talking to himself, "I'm gonna put more sand and you will go super duper high!" Enzo was experimenting. And he tried it numerous times. Sometimes with so much sand it did not work at all and other times with enough sand that it barely launched. Then he realized for himself that the sand inside did not help so he tried sprinkling sand on top of the rocket. He would even quickly add sand on top of the rocket after his sister loaded up her own to launch (they were taking turns loading and launching their own rocket) to keep trying. Science, so easily the experiments begin.
These are my kids. The Super Kids. I think it is so funny that other people at the Outback on the way to our first hotel night in Santa Maria saw two kids eating dinner with capes on made of blankets. I don't remember all of how it started but I believe Ana asked for the blanket and Tami helped her attach it with one of her hair ties. Enzo calls out, "Ana, you are Super Ana!" Then, Enzo got his blanket and we tied it with another hair tie. They spent the whole dinner time and post dinner running around time as Super Ana and Super Enzo.
And they laughed a lot while running around and playing as Super Ana and Super Enzo.

Day one of traveling was a long but amusing day. And I enjoyed spending it with my Super Wife and Super Kids.